Saturday, June 13, 2015

Tributes to J. Louis Martyn (1925-2015)

I was sorry to hear of the death of J. Louis Martyn last week. He is one of the greats of New Testament scholarship. Beverley Gaventa has a lovely tribute on the SBL site here:

J. Louis Martyn 

Among the bloggers, there are tributes from Sean Winter and Daniel Kirk, and the News and Observer has a tribute here:

J. Louis Martyn

This tribute includes a comment from my colleague Joel Marcus, who was one of Martyn's students:
According to Joel Marcus, Professor of New Testament and Christian Origins at Duke Divinity School, what distinguished Martyn’s approach to the writings of the New Testament was a passionate urge to hear them with the ears of their first hearers. He saw the Gospel of John as a “two-level drama” that simultaneously tells a story about the earthly Jesus in A.D. 32 and about a Christian community caught up in the vicissitudes of late first-century Jewish sectarian strife. In his work on Paul’s epistles, Martyn highlighted their apocalyptic nature, by which he meant that in the gospel God liberates and redeems a hostile world.

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